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It's Time To Get Serious

About Your Money


I'm Dr. Heidi MacVittie


I'm a doctor, a wife and a mother. But I didn't start out that way. I grew up a poor kid in a family that was just scrapping by.

I worked hard and got a scholarship for college and then went on to medical school. I'm sure you can guess that I  racked up a lot of credit card and student loan debt for medical school and you would be right! I wasn't worried though, because I was going to make good money...right?

About 15 years later, I realized that making "good money" didn't mean financial security. My credit card debt was growing and my student loans weren't budging. I knew I had to do something to create financial security for my family.

I realized I had to learn about money and finances to get ahead financially. So I studies and researched and even got a Masters in Finance.

After all of that, I developed a simple, easy to follow strategy. I was able to pay off all my credit card debt, my student loans and retire!

This simple strategy revolved around one number. I call it the "Mojo Number".

I realized I needed to share this powerful tool so others could create the financial future they deserved. And so  Moola Masters was born with the goal of empowering you and others like you to create their own financial future!

Kevin Harrington, one of the original Sharks from Shark Tank,

interviewed Dr. Heidi MacVittie about Moola Masters. Check it out below!




Common Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Wealth Accumulation Plan

  Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes for Successful Wealth Accumulation! Creating a wealth...

From Debt to Wealth: Real-Life Success Stories with a Money Coach

  From Debt to Wealth: Real Stories of Financial Transformation Many of us have experienced...

7 Proven Strategies to Save More Money Every Month

  Saving Money: 7 Practical Tips for a Financially Secure Future Saving money can often...

I can't say enough about how helpful and lifesaving Heidi's financial advice has been to my financial well-being and success. Having never taken any finance or business courses before, when I started having a higher income, I knew next to nothing about managing my money, and thanks to her I have been successful at managing my money, stock portfolio and retirement accounts on my own. Its given me confidence that I will have a comfortable retirement and that I am making the right choices. She is thorough, incredibly smart, and practical with her advice. She explains everything clearly and concisely. I cannot thank her enough! 


Truthfully, I have always been a bit of a risk taker, until one day I met with Dr. Heidi MacVittie discussing my financial future and someday a decision to retire comfortably. Heidi sat me down and had me list my assets and also all my day to day expenses. I was shocked at the waste and mismanagement of funds earning next to nothing with today’s interest rates. We discussed different ways of projecting a five-year plan of moving funds into growth adventures. Dr. Heidi MacVittie certainly helped me “Get My Bucks” in a row!!!


I just completed the Moola Master's Budgeting 101 Course! One of the best investments I've made to figure out where I spend my money. This short, inexpensive and effective course makes it easy and realistic to reach your goals. I've made adjustments to get to where I want to be financially. The spending plan and the discretionary spending were key and eye-opening. Moola Master also has a cool app to easily track your spending and keep you on track. I highly recommend  @heidimacvittie if you are ready to confront your spending quality of life and make it work for you! Become the "Master of Your Moola"!


I’m so thrilled to be working with Moola Masters! Heidi’s program made me feel very positive and excited about my financial future and comforted by having a plan. It's encouraging, easy to understand and she gave me some great out-of-the-box ideas!


Heidi helped me realize where my extra money was going and why I was having a hard time saving for my future. We put together a very easy plan that makes me excited for my financial future!


  Unlock Financial Freedom:

Find the One Number that Will Make Your Financial  Goals a Reality.

Your Mojo Number.

Get Your Free Guide Today! 

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